The S3DPU reset itself again on 8/5/98. As expected from a reset, SWICS and SWIMS were put into standby mode. SEPICA was turned off via the spacecraft autonomy shutoff procedure. Other ACE instruments are unaffected. SEPICA will be restarted on 8/7/98. SWICS and SWIMS HV will be ramped up again by early next week. A partial reset occurred earlier in the day. In that case, the command and command error counters were set to zero, but no other anomalies were noted. Analysis of the reset on June 8 1998 has provided more information about the state of the S3DPU beforehand, but no conclusive explanation for the resets has been determined. The memory showed signs of bit errors. These should have been cleared by a scrubbing routine that was apparently disabled for an unknown reason. The autonomy shutoff of SEPICA appears to be a consequence of the S3DPU restart algorithm, not from a real overcurrent condition. The S3DPU can create this situation by briefly setting the overcurrent limits of the SEPICA low voltage supplies to zero. This in turn puts the supplies in a self-protection mode that is captured by the autonomy shutoff. In the 7/8/98 reset, the SEPICA shutdown occurred at the completion of the S3DPU restart. Data from this S3DPU reset is being processed for further analysis to determine the cause of the resets. The only impact of an S3DPU reset is the loss of several days of data from SEPICA, SWICS and SWIMS. The other six instruments on the ACE spacecraft are functioning normally.