ACE Weekly 07/09/2008 - 07/15/2008 All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. ============================================================================ Orbit/Attitude: Type Attitude Date 07/14/2008 DOY 196 2008 Thrusters 2R 4R+ 4R- Duration 15:14 min Start 14:23:37z Stop 14:38:51z HGAStart -6.91deg HGAStop +7.37deg SunStart 5.65deg SunStop 12.71deg Nutation 0.20deg Firing 78 pulses FuelUsed 0.2486lbs FuelRemain 148.7560lbs FinalSCMass 1383.016lbs The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday 07/25/2008. =========================================================================== OCRs: None ============================================================================ Activities: There have been no updates on the JPL ISO router problem that resulted in several lost ACE passes in May (DOY 124-126 and DOY 134). The Multi-Mission Ops Center (MMOC) will test sending ACE commands to DSN's Test Facility (DTF-21) on Wednesday 07/23/2008. This test will occur at the same time as the ACE's operations pass with DSS-66. ============================================================================ Anomalies: DOY 191 07/09/2008 S-ACE-0335 G08-0072 ROBOTT CRON Schedule After configuring string 2 for operations, the cron schedule used by the ROBOTT automation software did not contain the upcoming passes. Reason unknown. IMPACT: Minimal. The ROBOTT Real-Time Monitor successfully started the mission software before the pass started. However, prepass activities (clock calibration, backup, etc) needed to be performed manually. DOY 193 07/11/2008 S-ACE-0336 G08-0073 DSN Station Change DSS-26 was unable to support Stereo A (DR#G108699). Stereo A was moved to DSS-24 and ACE was moved to DSS-27. The DSN schedule was updated at 1202z. Unfortunately, the last check before the pass by the ROBOTT automation software was 1145z. The FOT discovered that SLE FCLTU was still connected to DSS-24 at BOT (1355z). IMPACT: Manual intervention required to switch SLE to DSS-27. DSN has been asked to ensure they are using the most recent ACE contact information. DOY 193 07/11/2008 S-ACE-0337 G08-0074 Commanding Delayed 60 minutes FOT used incorrect syntax when manually reconfiguring SLE software to DSS-27. This also caused the ROBOTT software to move ahead in the g_initial_contact procedure before commands had been received by the spacecraft. CIF 08-0001 has been written to document using UNIX directives with ROBOTT. IMPACT: No commands were sent to the spacecraft for 1 hour. The g_initial_contact procedure was returned to the correct position and commanding was resumed. DOY 193 07/11/2008 S-ACE-0338 G08-0075 Offline Process Dead Occasionally, UNIX processes terminate unexpectedly. This occurred with the offline process (data archive, cleanup, etc). This last occurred 08/19/2006 AR#G06-0078. IMPACT: Minimal. The offline process had already calculated redumps for the following pass (none were needed) and the remaining cleanup activities were performed on the following day when offline was executed.