Low Rate Housekeeping Format

Low Rate Housekeeping Format Description - like all the other low rate formats, one major frame (16 seconds and 6944 bits long) contains one minor frame, and runs at a rate of 434 bits per second. All housekeeping data is included and repeates once per major frame. The slot that contains dump data in the Low Rate Bin Dump and Low Rate Memory Dump formats is empty; aside from the contents of that slot, and the format ID, the Low Rate Housekeeping, Low Rate C&DH Bin Dump, and Low Rate C&DH Memory Dump formats are identical.

Version 2/13/96

Low Rate Housekeeping Format

----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
0           32     Sync Word                                                                          C&DH           
32          48     Virtual Channel Header                                                             C&DH           
80          48     Packet Header                                                                      C&DH           
128         32     Packet Secondary Header                                                            C&DH           
160         4      Format ID                                                                          C&DH           
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
164         1      Sun Sensor ID-Side                                                                 C&DH           
165         1      Sun Senor ID-Top                                                                   C&DH           
166         2      C&DH ID                                                                            C&DH           
168         1      Collection Format                                                                  C&DH           
169         3      Major Frame Count                                                                  C&DH           
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
172         4      Minor Frame Count                                                                  C&DH           
176         8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 0                                                 C&DH           
184         16     Phase Angle latched in collected minor frame 0                                     C&DH           
200         8      Propellant Tank A1 Temperature                                                     DCM2-AD12      
208         8      Propellant Tank A2 Temperature                                                     DCM2-AD13      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
216         8      Propellant Tank B1 Temperature                                                     DCM2-AD14      
224         8      Propellant Tank B2 Temperature                                                     DCM2-AD15      
232         8      Internal Lines A Temperature                                                       DCM2-AD16      
240         8      Internal Lines B Temperature                                                       DCM2-AD17      
248         8      External Lines +X Temperature                                                      DCM2-AD18      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
256         8      External Lines -X Temperature                                                      DCM2-AD19      
264         8      Star Tracker Temperature:  Near Base                                               DCM2-AD20      
272         8      Instrument Deck Temp:  Near Center by SEPICA I/F                                   DCM2-AD22      
280         8      Instrument Deck Temp:  Near ULEIS Elec Box                                         DCM2-AD23      
288         8      Instrument Deck Temp:  Near EPAM I/F and -X Edge                                   DCM2-AD24      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
296         8      Instrument Deck Temp:  Near +Y/-X Edge                                             DCM2-AD25      
304         8      "Instr Deck Temp:  Near +X/+Y Edge, By SWICS I/F"                                  DCM2-AD26      
312         8      "Instrument Deck Temp:  Near MFI, S3DPU, & SIS I/F"                                DCM2-AD27      
320         8      Instrument Deck Temperature:  Near -Y Edge                                         DCM2-AD28      
328         8      "Instrument Deck Temp:  Near +X Edge, By Pylon"                                    DCM2-AD29      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
336         8      Heater-S/C Specific Xpdr & Shunt I/F Current                                       DCM2-DIFA13    
344         8      "Sun Sensor (-X/-Y) Temp:  Side of Brack, Near Sensor"                             DCM2-AD21      
352         8      +X Solar Array Panel Temperature                                                   DCM2-PT0       
360         8      +X Solar Array Panel Hinge Temp:  Near -Y                                          DCM2-PT1       
368         8      -X Solar Array Panel Temperature                                                   DCM2-PT2       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
376         8      -X Solar Array Panel Hinge Temp:  Near +Y                                          DCM2-PT3       
384         8      Magnetometer Inboard Temperature                                                   DCM2-SEA15     
392         8      Magnetometer Outboard Temperature                                                  DCM2-SEA16     
400         8      Magnetometer Inboard Heater Power Level                                            DCM2-SEA17     
408         8      Magnetometer Outboard Heater Power Level                                           DCM2-SEA18     
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
416         8      S3 DPU Power Converter Voltage                                                     DCM2-SEA19     
424         8      Power Subsystem Processor A Current                                                DCM2-DIFA22    
432         8      Power Subsystem Processor B Current                                                DCM2-DIFA23    
440         8      Prop. System Axial Thruster Current                                                DCM2-DIFA24    
448         8      DCM2 - 0-50mV Channel #25 (pre-wired for 2A on TB)                                 DCM2-DIFA25    
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
456         8      Heater-S/C Surv. Panel Htr Current                                                 DCM2-DIFA26    
464         8      DCM2 - 0-5V Channel #20                                                            DCM2-SEA20     
472         8      Instrument Deck Temperature (TBD) #2                                               DCM2-AD30      
480         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Logic Channel #7                                           DCM2-DIGTTLOG7 
481         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Logic Channel #6                                           DCM2-DIGTTLOG6 
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
482         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Logic Channel #5                                           DCM2-DIGTTLOG5 
483         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Logic Channel #4                                           DCM2-DIGTTLOG4 
484         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Logic Channel #3                                           DCM2-DIGTTLOG3 
485         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Logic Channel #2                                           DCM2-DIGTTLOG2 
486         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Logic Channel #1                                           DCM2-DIGTTLOG1 
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
487         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Logic Channel #0                                           DCM2-DIGTTLOG0 
488         1      SEPICA Gas Valve Telltale                                                          DCM2-DIGTTSW15 
489         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Switch Channel #14                                         DCM2-DIGTTSW14 
490         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Switch Channel #13                                         DCM2-DIGTTSW13 
491         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Switch Channel #12                                         DCM2-DIGTTSW12 
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
492         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Switch Channel #11                                         DCM2-DIGTTSW11 
493         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Switch Channel #10                                         DCM2-DIGTTSW10 
494         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Switch Channel #9                                          DCM2-DIGTTSW9  
495         1      DCM2 - Digital Telltale-Switch Channel #8                                          DCM2-DIGTTSW8  
496         8      Aft Deck Temperature:  Center of Deck                                              DCM2-PT19      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
504         8      Aft Deck Temperature:  Between Transponders                                        DCM2-PT20      
512         8      Aft Deck Temperature:  Near +X Low Gain Ant Base                                   DCM2-PT21      
520         8      Aft Deck Temperature:  +X/+Y Edge                                                  DCM2-PT22      
528         8      "Aft Deck Temp:  +Y/-X Edge, Near Low Gain Ant Base"                               DCM2-PT23      
536         8      "+X Side Panel Temp #1:  ~1.5"" from Bottom Center"                                DCM2-PT4       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
544         8      "+X Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                   DCM2-PT5       
552         8      "+X/+Y Side Panel Temp #1:  Bot, Left of Umbilical"                                DCM2-PT6       
560         8      "+Y Side Panel Temp #1:  ~1.5"" from Bottom Center"                                DCM2-PT7       
568         8      "+Y Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                   DCM2-PT8       
576         8      "+Y/-X  Side Panel Temp #1:  ~1.5"" from Bottom Center"                            DCM2-PT9       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
584         8      "-X Side Panel Temp #1:  ~1.5"" from Bottom Center"                                DCM2-PT10      
592         8      "-X/-Y Side Panel Temp #1:  ~1.5"" from Bottom Center"                             DCM2-PT11      
600         8      -Y Side Panel Temp #1:  Near Bottom Center                                         DCM2-PT12      
608         8      "-Y/+X  Side Panel Temp #1:  ~1.5"" from Bottom Center"                            DCM2-PT13      
616         8      "+Y Boom Temp:  Near Mag Sensor, Use Long Leads"                                   DCM2-PT14      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
624         8      "+Y Mag I/F Temp:  On Sensor Base, Use Long Leads"                                 DCM2-PT15      
632         8      "-Y Mag I/F Temp:  On Sensor Base, Use Long Leads"                                 DCM2-PT16      
640         8      Antenna Dish Temperature:  Located Near ~R/2                                       DCM2-PT17      
648         8      "+Y Fwd Low Gain Ant:  Pylon Below Ant, Long Leads"                                DCM2-PT18      
656         8      Center of +X Side Panel:  Betw Battery and Term Bds                                DCM2-AD6       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
664         8      C&DH A Converter Voltage                                                           DCM2-SEA0      
672         8      C&DH B Converter Voltage                                                           DCM2-SEA1      
680         8      C&DH Component A Current                                                           DCM2-DIFA0     
688         8      C&DH Component B Current                                                           DCM2-DIFA1     
696         8      C&DH Component Oscillator Temp (not x-strapped)                                    DCM2-AD9       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
704         8      "C&DH Component A Temp: Outside of Box, Near Base"                                 DCM2-AD7       
712         8      "C&DH Component B Temp: Outside of Box, Near Base"                                 DCM2-AD8       
720         8      Heater-Spacecraft Aft and Forward Survival Current                                 DCM2-DIFA17    
728         8      Heater-Spacecraft Operational Current                                              DCM2-DIFA18    
736         8      Main Bus Current                                                                   DCM2-SEA2      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
744         8      Main Bus Voltage                                                                   DCM2-SEA3      
752         8      PSE Analog Shunt Current                                                           DCM2-DIFA19    
760         8      Star Tracker Current                                                               DCM2-DIFA8     
768         8      Power Sw Comp. Partial Side A + Side B Current #1                                  DCM2-DIFA2     
776         8      Power Sw Comp. Partial Side A + Side B Current #2                                  DCM2-DIFA3     
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
784         8      Ordnance Fire Comp. Side A + Side B Current #1                                     DCM2-DIFA4     
792         8      Ordnance Fire Comp. Side A + Side B Current #2                                     DCM2-DIFA5     
800         8      DSAD A Current                                                                     DCM2-DIFA20    
808         8      DSAD B Current                                                                     DCM2-DIFA21    
816         144    Data Recorder A Hskp Data                                                          DCM2-SD4       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
960         8      Solid State Recorder A PWRTEMP                                                     DCM2-AD10      
968         8      Data Recorder A Current                                                            DCM2-DIFA6     
976         144    Data Recorder B Hskp Data                                                          DCM2-SD5       
1120        8      Solid State Recorder B PWRTEMP                                                     DCM2-AD11      
1128        8      Data Recorder B Current                                                            DCM2-DIFA7     
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1136        128    Power Subsystem Primary Proc. Data- 2x Major                                       DCM2-SD6       
1264        8      -Y Side Panel:  Near PSDE                                                          DCM2-AD4       
1272        8      -X Side Panel:  Near Digital Shunt Box                                             DCM2-AD5       
1280        8      Battery Current Charge Monitor                                                     DCM2-DIFA14    
1288        8      Battery Current Discharge Monitor                                                  DCM2-DIFA15    
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1296        128    Power Subsystem Redundant Proc. Data- 2x Major                                     DCM2-SD7       
1424        8      Battery Temperature 1: Top of Center Cell                                          DCM2-AD2       
1432        8      Battery Temperature 2: Top of Cell at +Z End                                       DCM2-AD3       
1440        8      Heater-Battery A&B Current                                                         DCM2-DIFA16    
1448        8      Battery Voltage                                                                    DCM2-SEA4      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1456        8      Transponder A Receiver Current                                                     DCM2-DIFA9     
1464        8      Pre-Mod Conditioner & Transmitter A Current                                        DCM2-DIFA10    
1472        8      Transponder B Receiver Current                                                     DCM2-DIFA11    
1480        8      Pre-Mod Conditioner & Transmitter B Current                                        DCM2-DIFA12    
1488        8      Transponder A Receiver AGC                                                         DCM2-SEA7      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1496        8      Transponder A Receiver SPE                                                         DCM2-SEA8      
1504        8      Transponder A Receiver +5V                                                         DCM2-SEA9      
1512        8      Transponder B Receiver AGC                                                         DCM2-SEA10     
1520        8      Transponder B Receiver SPE                                                         DCM2-SEA11     
1528        8      Transponder B Receiver +5V                                                         DCM2-SEA12     
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1536        8      Transmitter Power Converter Temp (not x-strapped)                                  DCM2-AD0       
1544        8      Transmitter Power Amplifier Temp (not x-strapped)                                  DCM2-AD1       
1552        8      Transponder Transmitter RF power level (not x-strapped)                            DCM2-SEA13     
1560        1      Trpndr B antenna SW #2 to +Z - C&DH A only                                         DCM2-DIGTTSW7  
1561        1      Trpndr B antenna SW #1 to -Z Axis - C&DH A only                                    DCM2-DIGTTSW6  
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1562        1      Trnpdr A antenna SW #2 to +Z - C&DH A only                                         DCM2-DIGTTSW5  
1563        1      Trpndr A antenna SW #1 to-Z Axis - C&DH A only                                     DCM2-DIGTTSW4  
1564        1      PS Latch Valve B2 Open - C&DH A only                                               DCM2-DIGTTSW3  
1565        1      PS Latch Valve B1 Open - C&DH A only                                               DCM2-DIGTTSW2  
1566        1      PS Latch Valve A2 Open - C&DH A only                                               DCM2-DIGTTSW1  
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1567        1      PS Latch Valve A1 Open - C&DH A only                                               DCM2-DIGTTSW0  
1568        8      Pre-Mod Conditioner +5V (not x-strapped)                                           DCM2-SEA14     
1576        8      Propellant Pressure A                                                              DCM2-SEA5      
1584        8      Propellant Pressure B                                                              DCM2-SEA6      
1592        8      SWEPAM(E) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                   DCM1-SEA0      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1600        8      SWEPAM(E) HVMON1 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                      DCM1-SEA1      
1608        8      SWEPAM(E) HVMON2 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                      DCM1-SEA2      
1616        8      SWEPAM(I) +8V PSMON - Subcom over 8 major frames                                   DCM1-SEA3      
1624        8      SWEPAM(I) HVMON1 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                      DCM1-SEA4      
1632        8      SWEPAM(I) HVMON2 - Subcom over 8 major frames                                      DCM1-SEA5      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1640        8      EPAM Analog A1 Int/Ext Cal Readout                                                 DCM1-SEA6      
1648        8      "EPAM Analog A2, Subcom over 8 major frames"                                       DCM1-SEA7      
1656        8      "EPAM Analog A3, Subcom over 8 major frames"                                       DCM1-SEA8      
1664        8      EPAM Analog A4 Input Current Monitor                                               DCM1-SEA9      
1672        8      EPAM LAN 1 Electronics Temperature - Thermistor                                    DCM1-SEA10     
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1680        8      EPAM LAN 2A Electronics Temperature - Thermistor                                   DCM1-SEA11     
1688        8      EPAM LAN 2B Sensor Temperature - Thermistor                                        DCM1-SEA12     
1696        8      ULEIS   LVPS Voltage                                                               DCM1-SEA13     
1704        8      CRIS Internal Temperature #1                                                       DCM1-AD14      
1712        8      CRIS Internal Temperature #2                                                       DCM1-AD15      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1720        8      SIS Internal Temperature #1                                                        DCM1-AD17      
1728        8      SIS Internal Temperature #2                                                        DCM1-AD18      
1736        8      Solid State Recorder A DCDCOUT                                                     DCM1-SEA16     
1744        8      Solid State Recorder B DCDCOUT                                                     DCM1-SEA17     
1752        1      DCM1 - Digital Telltale-Switch Channel #15                                         DCM1-DIGTTSW15 
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1753        1      SIS Cover Telltale                                                                 DCM1-DIGTTSW14 
1754        1      S3DPU Power Converter Select TT                                                    DCM1-DIGTTSW13 
1755        1      SWIMS Cover Telltale                                                               DCM1-DIGTTSW12 
1756        1      Redundant Charger Selected TT                                                      DCM1-DIGTTSW11 
1757        1      Prime Charger Selected TT                                                          DCM1-DIGTTSW10 
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1758        1      Redundant Shunt Electronics Selected TT                                            DCM1-DIGTTSW9  
1759        1      Prime Shunt Electronics Selected TT                                                DCM1-DIGTTSW8  
1760        8      "CRIS, I/F, & Survival Heater Current "                                            DCM1-DIFA15    
1768        8      "SIS, I/F, & Survival Heater Current "                                             DCM1-DIFA16    
1776        8      EPAM Electronics & I/F Heater Current                                              DCM1-DIFA17    
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1784        8      EPAM Survival/Operational Heater Current                                           DCM1-DIFA18    
1792        8      ULEIS & Survival Heater Current                                                    DCM1-DIFA19    
1800        8      ULEIS Analog Elect. LVPS Current                                                   DCM1-DIFA20    
1808        8      DCM1 - 0-50mV Channel #21                                                          DCM1-DIFA21    
1816        8      ULEIS Internal & I/F Heater Current                                                DCM1-DIFA22    
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1824        8      SWEPAM Electron Current                                                            DCM1-DIFA23    
1832        8      SWEPAM Ion Current                                                                 DCM1-DIFA24    
1840        8      "SWIMS, I/F, & Survival Htr Current"                                               DCM1-DIFA25    
1848        8      "SWICS, I/F, and Survival Htr Current"                                             DCM1-DIFA26    
1856        8      "SEPICA, I/F, & Survival Htr Current"                                              DCM1-DIFA27    
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
1864        8      Magnetometer Electronics and Survival Heater Current                               DCM1-DIFA28    
1872        8      S^3 DPU Current                                                                    DCM1-DIFA29    
1880        8      Heater-Prop. System Deck  Primary Current                                          DCM1-DIFA12    
1888        8      Heater-Prop. System Deck Backup Current                                            DCM1-DIFA13    
1896        112    "Power Switching, Ordnance Fire Relay Telltales"                                   DCM1-SD5       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2008        1      S3 DPU Interface A/B Select                                                        DCM1-DIGTTLOG7 
2009        1      Transponder B Transmitter On/Off                                                   DCM1-DIGTTLOG6 
2010        1      Transponder B Receiver In-lock/Out-lock                                            DCM1-DIGTTLOG5 
2011        1      Transponder A Transmitter On/Off                                                   DCM1-DIGTTLOG4 
2012        1      Transponder A Receiver In-lock/Out-Lock                                            DCM1-DIGTTLOG3 
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2013        1      Transponder Aux Osc On/Off (not x-strapped)                                        DCM1-DIGTTLOG2 
2014        1      Transponder Transmitter Mod Index Hi/Lo (not x-strapped)                           DCM1-DIGTTLOG1 
2015        1      Transponder Ranging Channel On/Off (not x-strapped)                                DCM1-DIGTTLOG0 
2016        8      DCM1 - 0-5V Channel #18                                                            DCM1-SEA18     
2024        8      "OAF Temperature:  +X Octant,  Near PAF Interface"                                 DCM1-PT27      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2032        8      Aft Deck Temperature:  Between Ant Foot and SLAM                                   DCM1-PT28      
2040        8      S^3 DPU Converter Secondary Current                                                DCM1-DIFA30    
2048        8      Pressure Transducer #1 & #2 Current                                                DCM1-DIFA14    
2056        8      SWIMS Internal Temperature                                                         DCM1-AD5       
2064        8      SWICS Internal Temperature                                                         DCM1-AD7       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2072        8      ULEIS Telescope Temperature                                                        DCM1-AD9       
2080        8      ULEIS Analog Electronics Temperature (Internal)                                    DCM1-AD10      
2088        8      ULEIS DPU Temperature (Internal)                                                   DCM1-AD11      
2096        8      SEPICA Iso-Butane Tank Temperature                                                 DCM1-AD20      
2104        8      S^3 DPU Power Supply A Temperature                                                 DCM1-AD22      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2112        8      SWEPAM(E) Internal Temperature                                                     DCM1-AD24      
2120        8      SWEPAM(I) Internal Temperature                                                     DCM1-AD26      
2128        64     Last Star Scanner Data                                                             DCM1-SD6       
2192        8      Terminal Board #1/Fuse Temperature                                                 DCM1-AD28      
2200        8      Instrument Deck Temperature (TBD) #1                                               DCM1-AD29      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2208        8      S^3 DPU Power Supply B Temperature                                                 DCM1-AD30      
2216        384    C&DH Housekeeping                                                                  C&DH           
2600        8      Analog Shunt Panel Temperature                                                     DCM1-PT23      
2608        8      Aft Deck Temperature (TBD) #1                                                      DCM1-PT24      
2616        64     Opposite C&DH Component Hskp Data                                                  DCM1-SD4       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2680        8      +Y Solar Array Panel Temperature                                                   DCM1-PT0       
2688        8      +Y Solar Array Panel Hinge Temp:  Near +X                                          DCM1-PT1       
2696        8      -Y Solar Array Panel Temperature                                                   DCM1-PT2       
2704        8      -Y Solar Array Panel Hinge Temp:  Near -X                                          DCM1-PT3       
2712        8      +Y Side Panel:  Near Digital Shunt                                                 DCM1-AD2       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2720        8      -X Side Panel:  TBD                                                                DCM1-AD3       
2728        8      -Y Side Panel:  Between Digital Shunt and PSCE                                     DCM1-AD4       
2736        8      "+X/+Y Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                DCM1-PT14      
2744        8      "+Y/-X  Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                               DCM1-PT15      
2752        8      "-X Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                   DCM1-PT16      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2760        8      "-X/-Y Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                DCM1-PT17      
2768        8      "-Y Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                                   DCM1-PT18      
2776        8      "-Y/+X  Side Panel Temp #2:  ~1.5"" from Top Center"                               DCM1-PT19      
2784        8      "-Y Boom Temp:  Near Mag Sensor, Use Long Leads"                                   DCM1-PT20      
2792        8      Antenna Dish Feed:  Use Long Leads                                                 DCM1-PT21      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2800        8      "-Y Rear Low Gain Ant:  Pylon Below Ant, Long Leads"                               DCM1-PT22      
2808        8      Back of +X Forward Radiator                                                        DCM1-AD0       
2816        8      Back of -X/-Y Forward Radiator                                                     DCM1-AD1       
2824        8      SWIMS Interface Temp:  +Z End Near Mounting Foot                                   DCM1-AD6       
2832        8      SWICS I/F Temp:  By Mtg Foot Towards SWEPAM-E                                      DCM1-AD8       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2840        8      ULEIS Interface Temp:  Under Back End of Instrument                                DCM1-AD12      
2848        8      EPAM Interface Temp:  On E-Box Mtg Surf Near Foot                                  DCM1-AD13      
2856        8      "CRIS I\F Temp:  Side Close to -X Panel, Near -Z End"                              DCM1-AD16      
2864        8      SIS I/F Temp:  Back of Box Near Underside of SIS                                   DCM1-AD19      
2872        8      "SEPICA I/F Temp:  Under Basepl, Near Cntr of Deck"                                DCM1-AD21      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2880        8      SWEPAM(E) Interface Temp:   On Deck by Instrument                                  DCM1-AD25      
2888        8      "SWEPAM(I) Interface Temp:  On Deck, -X/-Y Edge"                                   DCM1-AD27      
2896        8      "-Y Rear Low Gain Ant:  Pylon Below Ant, Long Leads"                               DCM1-PT22      
2904        1      -Y Mag Boom Stowed Switch - C&DH A only                                            DCM1-DIGTTSW7  
2905        1      +Y Mag Boom Stowed Switch - C&DH A only                                            DCM1-DIGTTSW6  
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2906        1      -Y Mag Boom Deployed Switch - C&DH A only                                          DCM1-DIGTTSW5  
2907        1      +Y Mag Boom Deployed Switch - C&DH A only                                          DCM1-DIGTTSW4  
2908        1      -Y Solar Panel Stowed Switch                                                       DCM1-DIGTTSW3  
2909        1      -X Solar Panel Stowed Switch                                                       DCM1-DIGTTSW2  
2910        1      +Y Solar Panel Stowed Switch                                                       DCM1-DIGTTSW1  
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2911        1      +X Solar Panel Stowed Switch                                                       DCM1-DIGTTSW0  
2912        8      Heater-Prop. System Axial Cat Bed Current                                          DCM1-DIFA10    
2920        8      Heater-Prop. System Radial Cat Bed Current                                         DCM1-DIFA11    
2928        8      Thruster Valve IA Temperature                                                      DCM1-PT4       
2936        8      Thruster Valve IR Temperature                                                      DCM1-PT5       
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2944        8      Thruster Valve IVA Temperature                                                     DCM1-PT6       
2952        8      Thruster Valve IVR+ Temperature                                                    DCM1-PT7       
2960        8      Thruster Valve IVR- Temperature                                                    DCM1-PT8       
2968        8      Thruster Valve IIIR- Temperature                                                   DCM1-PT9       
2976        8      Thruster Valve IIIR+ Temperature                                                   DCM1-PT10      
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
2984        8      Thruster Valve IIIA Temperature                                                    DCM1-PT11      
2992        8      Thruster Valve IIR Temperature                                                     DCM1-PT12      
3000        8      Thruster Valve IIA Temperature                                                     DCM1-PT13      
3008        8      Thruster IA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                               DCM1-DIFA0     
3016        8      Thruster IR Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                               DCM1-DIFA1     
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
3024        8      Thruster IVA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                              DCM1-DIFA2     
3032        8      Thruster IVR+ Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                             DCM1-DIFA3     
3040        8      Thruster IVR- Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                             DCM1-DIFA4     
3048        8      Thruster IIIR- Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                            DCM1-DIFA5     
3056        8      Thruster IIIR+ Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                            DCM1-DIFA6     
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
3064        8      Thruster IIIA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                             DCM1-DIFA7     
3072        8      Thruster IIR Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                              DCM1-DIFA8     
3080        8      Thruster IIA Thermocouple C&DH A Only                                              DCM1-DIFA9     
3088        2560   Transfer Frame Failure Report                                                                     
5648        936    Spare                                                                                             
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
6584        32     Spare Serial Digital Data                                                          DCM1-SD7       
6616        96     Transfer Frame Failure Report                                                      C&DH           
6712        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 1                                                 C&DH           
6720        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 2                                                 C&DH           
6728        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 3                                                 C&DH           
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
6736        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 4                                                 C&DH           
6744        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 5                                                 C&DH           
6752        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 6                                                 C&DH           
6760        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 7                                                 C&DH           
6768        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 8                                                 C&DH           
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
6776        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 9                                                 C&DH           
6784        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 10                                                C&DH           
6792        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 11                                                C&DH           
6800        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 12                                                C&DH           
6808        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 13                                                C&DH           
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
6816        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 14                                                C&DH           
6824        8      Selectable Telemetry Byte Second 15                                                C&DH           
6832        24     "Last SP TT = 4 Mnr Frame bits, 10 subsec count bits, 2 ID bits, 8 Y-angle bits"   C&DH           
6856        16     Phase Angle latched at most recent Sun Pulse                                       C&DH           
6872        24     "Last-1 SP TT = 4 Mnr Frame bits, 10 subsec count bits, 2 ID bits, 8 Y-angle bits" C&DH           
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Major Frame                                                                                                          
Location    Length Parameter                                                                          Source         
----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
6896        16     Phase Angle latched at next to most recent Sun Pulse                               C&DH           
6912        32     Command Link Control Word                                                          C&DH