27 year %4d 0 Year years 1997 2030 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 day %3d 1 DayofYear days 1 366 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 hr %2d 2 Hour hours 0 23 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 min %2d 3 Minute minutes 0 59 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 sec %6.3f 4 Second seconds 0.0 60.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 fp_year %13.8f 5 FP_Year years 1997.0 2030.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 fp_doy %10.6f 6 FP_DayofYear days 1.0 367.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 ACEepoch %13.3f 7 ACE Epoch seconds 0 1072742400 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 proton_density %10.3f 8 Proton Number density cm^-3 0.0 200.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 proton_temp %11.4e 9 Proton Temperature Kelvin 1000.0 1100000.0 -9999.9 Log Scale 1 He4toprotons %9.4f 10 alpha/proton ratio Ratio 0.0 10.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 proton_speed %9.2f 11 Solar Wind Proton Speed km/s 0.0 2500.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 x_dot_GSE %9.2f 12 X-component of Solar Wind Velocity (GSE) km/s -2500.0 2500.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 y_dot_GSE %9.2f 13 Y-component of Solar Wind Velocity (GSE) km/s -2500.0 2500.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 z_dot_GSE %9.2f 14 Z-component of Solar Wind Velocity (GSE) km/s -2500.0 2500.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 x_dot_RTN %9.2f 15 R-component of Solar Wind Velocity (RTN) km/s -2500.0 2500.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 y_dot_RTN %9.2f 16 T-component of Solar Wind Velocity (RTN) km/s -2500.0 2500.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 z_dot_RTN %9.2f 17 N-component of Solar Wind Velocity (RTN) km/s -2500.0 2500.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 x_dot_GSM %9.2f 18 X-component of Solar Wind Velocity (GSM) km/s -2500.0 2500.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 y_dot_GSM %9.2f 19 Y-component of Solar Wind Velocity (GSM) km/s -2500.0 2500.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 z_dot_GSM %9.2f 20 Z-component of Solar Wind Velocity (GSM) km/s -2500.0 2500.0 -9999.9 Linear Scale 1 pos_gse_x %11.4e 21 X-component of S/C position (GSE) km -3.0E6 3.0E6 -1.0E31 Linear Scale 1 pos_gse_y %11.4e 22 Y-component of S/C position (GSE) km -3.0E6 3.0E6 -1.0E31 Linear Scale 1 pos_gse_z %11.4e 23 Z-component of S/C position (GSE) km -3.0E6 3.0E6 -1.0E31 Linear Scale 1 pos_gsm_x %11.4e 24 X-component of S/C position (GSM) km -3.0E6 3.0E6 -1.0E31 Linear Scale 1 pos_gsm_y %11.4e 25 Y-component of S/C position (GSM) km -3.0E6 3.0E6 -1.0E31 Linear Scale 1 pos_gsm_z %11.4e 26 Z-component of S/C position (GSM) km -3.0E6 3.0E6 -1.0E31 Linear Scale 1