CRIS/SIS: ACEware System
Making the hdf Package

Last Modified Friday, 13-Feb-1998 14:54:52 PST.

These are the guidelines for the creation of the ACEware hdf libraries.

If you are installing the hdf package on a sparc Solaris machine, there is nothing more to do than installing the package and creating the links as outlined on the ACEware System Installation page.


Step 1: Define the environment variables ACE_WARE and CC.

VERY IMPORTANT DISTINCTION!: If you are installing this package for the first time into your ACEware system, the environment variable ACE_WARE needs to be defined as the base directory of your ACEware installation. If, on the other hand, you are updating a package into an ACEware system which is already in use, then ACE_WARE needs to be defined as the base of your shadow installation. In either case, after defining ACE_WARE, you should see the following:
% cd $ACE_WARE
% ls
RCSfiles/       idl/            lib/            pkgs/
exe/            include/        man/

As a concrete example, if I were installing the initial version of the ACEware system at SRL, I would define

setenv ACE_WARE /home/idunn1/ACEware
which, in fact, is where the official installation of ACEware is at SRL. On the other hand, if I were instead updating the level1 package, I might chose to place the shadow directory tree in my home directory to work on making the new release without interfering with the use of the ACEware system by others. In that case, while working on the make of the new level1 package, I would define
setenv ACE_WARE /home/darkalf/bruce/shadow
(See the shadow installation notes for more details on creating this shadow workspace.)

CC should be defined as your favorite POSIX/ANSI C compiler, e.g.,

setenv CC gcc

Step 2:

Step 3:

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