The Isotope Matter Antimatter Experiment (IMAX)

IMAX is a balloon-borne, superconducting magnet spectrometer experiment designed to measure the galactic cosmic ray abundances of protons, antiprotons, deuterium, helium-3, and helium-4 in the energy range from ~0.2 to ~3.2 GeV/nucleon. It is a collaboration between NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Caltech Space Radiation Lab, the University of Siegen, New Mexico State University, and the Danish Space Research Institute. The University of Arizona also participated with a piggy-backed dark matter experiment.
For charged particles passing through the payload geometry, IMAX measures magnetic rigidity (via tracking from the drift chambers (DC) and the multiwire proportional counters (MWPC)), charge (via dE/dx from the time-of-flight (TOF) paddles and scintillator counters (S1, S2)), and velocity (via time-of-flight (TOF) and aerogel Cherenkov counters (C2 and C3)). In combination, these three quantities yield particle identification via mass, charge, and charge sign.
IMAX had a successful flight from Lynn Lake, Manitoba, Canada on 16-17 July 1992, attaining a float altitude of about 36 km for a duration of about 16 hours. Over 3 million triggers were recorded.
(Payload drawing courtesy of NMSU.)
IMAX People at SRL
Dr. Richard A. Mewaldt
Dr. Steven M. Schindler
Dr. Andrew J. Davis
Allan W. Labrador (IMAX papers, other links, etc.)
Collaborators include GSFC, U. of Siegen, and NMSU.
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IMAX Publications
"The Cosmic-Ray He3/He4 Ratio from 200 MeV Per Nucleon to 3.7 GeV Per Nucleon", O. Reimer, W. Menn, M. Hof, M. Simon, A.J. Davis, A.W. Labrador, R.A. Mewaldt, S.M. Schindler, L.M. Barbier, E.R. Christian, K.E. Krombel, J.W. Mitchell, J.F. Ormes, R.E. Streitmatter, R.L. Golden, S.J. Stochaj, W.R. Webber, I.L. Rasmussen, Astrophysical Journal, 496, 490, 1998.
"Measurement of 0.25 - 3.2 GeV Antiprotons in the Cosmic Radiation", J.W. Mitchell, L.M. Barbier, E.R. Christian, K. Krombel, J.F. Ormes, R.E. Streitmatter, A.W. Labrador, A.J. Davis, R.A. Mewaldt, S.M. Schindler, R.L. Golden, S.J. Stochaj, W.R. Webber, W. Menn, M. Hof, O. Reimer, M. Simon, I.L. Rasmussen, Physical Review (Ltrs.), 76, 3057, 1996.
"Cosmic Ray Antiproton Observation by the Isotope Matter-Antimatter Experiment, 0.2 to 3.2 GeV", J. W. Mitchell, L. M. Barbier, E. R. Christian, A. J. Davis, R. L. Golden, M. Hof, K. E. Krombel, A. W. Labrador, W. Menn, R. A. Mewaldt, J. F. Ormes, I. L. Rasmussen, O. Reimer, S. M. Schindler, M. Simon, S. J. Stochaj, R. E. Streitmatter and W. R. Webber, Proc. 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, (1995)
"Cosmic Ray Antiproton Observations from 0.2 to 3.2 GeV", A. W. Labrador, W. Menn, L. M. Barbier, E. R. Christian, A. J. Davis, R. L. Golden, M. Hof, K. E. Krombel, R. A. Mewaldt, J. W. Mitchell, J. F. Ormes, I. L. Rasmussen, O. Reimer, S. M. Schindler, M. Simon, S. J. Stochaj, R. E. Streitmatter and W. R. Webber, Proc. 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, (1995)
"Interpretation of the Low-Energy Cosmic Ray Antiproton/Proton Ratio", A. W. Labrador and R. A. Mewaldt, Proc. 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, (1995)
"The Cosmic Ray 3He/4He Ratio from 0.2 to 3.6 GeV/nucleon", O. Reimer, L. M. Barbier, E. R. Christian, A. J. Davis, R. L. Golden, M. Hof, K. E. Krombel, A. W. Labrador, W. Menn, R. A. Mewaldt, J. W. Mitchell, J. F. Ormes, I. L. Rasmussen, S. M. Schindler, M. Simon, S. J. Stochaj, E. C. Stone, R. E. Streitmatter and W. R. Webber, Proc. 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, (1995)
"Interpretation of the Helium Isotope Ratios Measured by IMAX", A. J. Davis, W. Menn, L. M. Barbier, E. R. Christian, R. L. Golden, M. Hof, K. E. Krombel, A. W. Labrador, R. A. Mewaldt, J. W. Mitchell, J. F. Ormes, I. L. Rasmussen, O. Reimer, S. M. Schindler, M. Simon, S. J. Stochaj, R. E. Streitmatter and W. R. Webber, Proc. 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, (1995)
"Cosmic Ray Hydrogen Isotopes from 0.2 to 3.0 GeV/nucleon", O. Reimer, A. J. Davis, L. M. Barbier, E. R. Christian, R. L. Golden, M. Hof, K. E. Krombel, A. W. Labrador, W. Menn, R. A. Mewaldt, J. W. Mitchell, J. F. Ormes, I. L. Rasmussen, S. M. Schindler, M. Simon, S. J. Stochaj, E. C. Stone, R. E. Streitmatter and W. R. Webber, Proc. 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, (1995)
"Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Induced Muon Flux through the Atmosphere using IMAX", J. F. Krizmanic, A. J. Davis, L. M. Barbier, E. R. Christian, R. L. Golden, M. Hof, K. E. Krombel, A. W. Labrador, W. Menn, R. A. Mewaldt, J. W. Mitchell, J. F. Ormes, I. L. Rasmussen, O. Reimer, S. M. Schindler, M. Simon, S. J. Stochaj, E. C. Stone, R. E. Streitmatter and W. R. Webber, Proc. 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, (1995)
"Silica Aerogel Cherenkov Counters for the Isotope Matter-Antimatter Experiment", A. W. Labrador, R. A. Mewaldt, S. M. Schindler, E. C. Stone, L. M. Barbier, E. R. Christian, J. W. Mitchell, R. E. Streitmatter, S. J. Stochaj, and I. L. Rasmussen, Proc. 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2, 524 (1993).
"(IMAX) Isotope Matter-Antimatter Experiment", J. W. Mitchell, L. M. Barbier, E. R. Christian, R. L. Golden, M. Hof, A. W. Labrador, W. Menn, R. A. Mewaldt, J. F. Ormes, I. L. Rasmussen, O. Reimer, S. M. Schindler, M. Simon, S. J. Stochaj, R. E. Streitmatter and W. R. Webber, Proc. 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1, 519 (1993).
"The Isotope Matter-Antimatter Experiment Time-of-Flight System", J. W. Mitchell, L. M. Barbier, E. R. Christian, M. Hof, S. F. Holder, A. W. Labrador, W. Menn, J. F. Ormes, O. Reimer, D. L. Richter, M. Simon, S. J. Stochaj and R. E. Streitmatter, Proc. 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2, 627 (1993).
"A Drift Chamber For A Balloon Borne Magnet Spectrometer", M. Hof, M. Bremmerich, W. Menn, J. W. Mitchell, O. Reimer and M. Simon, Proc. 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2, 544 (1993).
"Performance of A Magnet Spectrometer For Measuring Cosmic Radiation Using Drift Chambers As tracking Devices", W. Menn, L. M. Barbier, E. R. Christian, M. Hof, J. W. Mitchell, J. F. Ormes, C. Pfeifer, M. Simon, S. J. Stochaj and R. E. Streitmatter, Proc. 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2, 548 (1993).
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